Thursday, September 26, 2013

Preschool Picture Days

Preschool Picture Days are Tuesday, October 1 for the Tu/Th classes and Wednesday, October 2 for the M/W class, M/W/F classes and the M/Tu/W/Th class. Individual pictures will be taken of each child, as well as a group class picture.

What to wear: please make sure to dress your child from head to toe for the picture because the individual pictures will consist of up-close and full length pictures. Hair is the most common reason parents are dissatisfied with their child's picture, so please make sure to keep the hair style simple.

Orders: You will receive a proof of your child's individual picture, along with an order form a few weeks after picture day. You will have approximately one week to decide if you would like to purchase individual pictures and/or a group class picture. You will not receive a proof of the class picture. Orders are 100% optional so if you don't want to place an order, that's ok.

If you don't want your child's picture taken, please talk to your teacher.

Here is a sample of the individual picture background:

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Welcome to the 2013-2014 School Year!

We are off to a fantastic start to the school year for the Lincoln Learning Center Preschool and ThreeSchool programs. The children are adjusting well to their new classrooms and the teachers are enjoying getting to know their new students. As you have noticed, we created our own Early Childhood wing at the Lincoln Center with classrooms on our ground floor and new classrooms on the second floor. We are extremely excited about the new, beautiful classrooms, as well as the increased security for all students. As a reminder, the hallway doors leading to your child's classroom will be locked shortly after class begins and will remain locked until about 15 minutes before class ends. If you arrive late to school, please check in at the registration office located in the lobby.

We are also very excited about this new form of communication with you...our blog! If you want to receive an email notification when a post is made to this blog so you have the most recent information, submit your email address in the section on the right side of the page.

Throughout the year, we will post reminders and information for special days, field trip information, monthly calendars, general park district and Lincoln Center information and post pictures of the children with their special projects and fun days in the classroom.

We hope you enjoy this new blog and we are looking forward to the remainder of the school year!